a glimpse of long ago

I’m watching the evening settle in around the treehouse I built today. There’s no squirrels this evening, just a few late cicadas and a bird or two. Frogs join the chorus as the shadows lengthen under the trees. I have all the … Continue reading

quiet coach

I’m sitting here on the morning train and it is surprisingly quiet. So much so that other than the hum of the train on the rails there’s not much background noise to block out conversation. So when someone picks up their … Continue reading

I hear arguments

I hear arguments “I didn’t move the fridge, who would do that?” “It doesn’t match the countertop, it must have been moved!” “It never matched the countertop, its white and the countertop is grey.” “Bloody Hell woman! I mean its … Continue reading

Fisherton Street, Salisbury

I walk under a bridge to get to the station each morning and once very early I ran into a guy who pointed back the way he came and grumbled “Bloody Polish!” He was all moon eyed and jittery but … Continue reading