Surprise growth

I was watering my plants downstairs and noticed an amazing thing. Months and I mean months ago, (AFTER the spring storms destroyed my greenhouse and my 4-year-old pineapple.) I tried planting a pineapple top but it never seemed to take … Continue reading

Finds from a long weekend

I got out to detect twice over the long weekend and found some interesting things: A 17th c. thimble, completely flat but still with some interesting details visible. A badge from something, maybe a saddle, maybe a tractor. A musket … Continue reading

Catching up on Finds

April’s finds From Upper Left:Victoria Ha-penny, George V Penny (1929), George V Farthing (1922), Elizabeth II Sixpence(1954), George V Ha-penny (1935), Trapezoidal buckle (17thc), Copper Alloy buckle, Various plain buttons (1750s-1800s), old old musket ball (16th c.) … Continue reading